Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thanks Bloggers!!

I tried the whole blogging thing and obviously it just doesn't work for me. Although, I do absolutely enjoy following other people's blogs. I love reading about what other people eat each day because it gives me tons of ideas of new things to try. When I read a blog by someone who is trying to either gain or lose weight it reminds me that no one if perfect and we all have struggles. I do need to be reminded of that quite frequently. I may post every now and again with certain thoughts, but I think that it is way more beneficial to me to just to follow other people's blog and continue to learn new things.

I really just wanted to let the fellow bloggers out there know that while you may be doing this (blogging) to help yourself, you are also helping out people who face the same struggles as you. You are helping them to see that there is a way to live both healthy and happy.


  1. Thanks so much for saying all that. I sometimes wonder about people who go away and always want to know why. I know blogging is a labor of love sometimes. I really enjoy it although it does take away from some of my Hubby time at night:( I hope you'll check in from time to time! Best Wishes to you :)

  2. i go through phases with blogging. i sometimes take a few days off (or weeks) when it becomes overwhelming. i agree that reading other blogs is definitely inspiring and motivating!

  3. I completely understand what you are saying.

    Weight Watchers has a saying. "When you have a bad week, you need the meeting. When you have a good week, the meeting needs you."

    It is so nice to know we're not alone it our struggles.

  4. Great post & guess what!!! You won, you won the HG Snack Pack Giveaway contest. Please email me your snail mail addy so I can send your free stuff. danicasdaily @ gmail dot com. Yeah!

  5. Hey girlie, you won another contest of mine the Big S Farms Runner Up Salsa or Hot Sauce. Can you send me an email with your mailing address so I can ship out your winnings?


